Bio - Giovanni Costantini conductor
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"Giovanni Costantini is the right man when on stage you need not only a conductor with a precise gesture aiming at clear expression, but also a presenter who is not afraid of introducing the audience both to effective listening and to some moments of entertainment." Filippo Lovato, Il Giornale di Vicenza

Giovanni Constantini is a conductor and a cultural designer with a talent for communicating with audiences.
He is artistic director for Labirinti Armonici Orchestra, conducts Cantori di Santomio and Alpe Adria Jugend Sinfonie Orchester and has conducted premieres of music pieces by J. Novák, P. Valtinoni and M. Lanaro.

He graduated in Cello with G. Viero and F. Pepicelli and in Conducting with Maestro G. Andretta, achieving top marks. He attended a master course in Choral conducting with S. Kuret, L. Donati and M. Lanaro and in Orchestral conducting with R. Gessi, G. Gelmetti, J. Kalamar and L. Shambadal.

He is artistic director of Musica Natura Relazioni, the summer program of the Parco Naturale del Monte Baldo, in Trentino, and he created and currently conducts Palestra d’Orchestra, a master course where orchestral training is integrated with body awareness techniques.

Since 2022 he has had a consultancy contract with MUSE of Trento as curator of an exhibition path as part of the ANIMA project – creation of a quartet of arches with wood from Avez del Prizep.

He teaches Music History and Theory and is editorial director of MusiCare, a music, culture and entertainement web magazine.

His musical interpretation was imprinted by his collaboration with Maestro Giovanni Angeleri and Maestro Filippo Maria Bressan.

About me


I was born in 1983 and live in Northern Italy, between Vicenza and Trentino. I have a daughter, Elisabetta, who is 13 now.
My days revolve around music, which I study, teach, direct, play, explore and introduce people to. I also sing with Elisabetta or just try to understand music. Quietly.

Music is what I know best. I attended both junior and high school at Vicenza Conservatoir. But I also studied law at university, though I didn’t get a degree.
I have always worked in the cultural sector, in different roles and ways, gradually defining my present profession as an art and music director.

Being a member of the Scouts, i.e. the Italian AGESCI, has greatly influenced my personality and behaviours, while my music career hasn’t prevented me from having several experiences of volunteer work.
When the weather is fine and my head full, I leave everything behind and go cycling in the hills or hiking in the mountains because I need to be in close contact with nature, a bit far away from other human beings.

Palladio’s architecture and the mountains in Trentino shaped me. Music accomplished the work. To social networking sites I prefer true close friends and I do enjoy sharing my thoughts with them.