Giulia Bolcato's voice for Elisir d'amore and Il bacio - Giovanni Costantini conductor
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Giulia Bolcato’s voice for Elisir d’amore and Il bacio

It is with real pleasure that I announce that the soprano Giulia Bolcato will join the tenor Alex Magri – with whom I have already had the pleasure of collaborating – in the New Year’s concerts.
Giulia already has an important curriculum, including awards and roles, with contracts abroad and appearances in important theaters: a rising star in the lyrical firmament.
It was not the first time that I tried to have her next to me: in 2018 I had contacted her for a Mozart Mass, but the calendar did not match. Now is the time and the role suits her more than ever, having three scenes from Donizetti’s Elisir d’amore, in which Adina has already been.
Another piece scheduled for Bolcato’s voice, Luigi Arditi’s virtuoso waltz “Il bacio”, which will be the ideal response to Lehar’s “Come di rose un cespo”, for Alex Magri’s voice.
Already a protagonist of New Year’s concerts last year, Magri is the first voice in the Choir of the Arena in Verona, and will be a perfect Nemorino.