music Archivi - Giovanni Costantini conductor
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Friday 29 March at 9.00 pm, in the Church of Sant'Andrea in Trissino (VI), which dominates the town from the hill and overlooks the villa of the historic Counts of these lands, a meditation in music to culturally and spiritually celebrate the evening of Good...

A conversation about the conductor, the orchestra, the audience, with Giancarlo Andretta, already my teacher and internationally recognized conductor. At the invitation of the Fondazione Cassamarca, on 20 January at 18:00 in the conference room of the Casa dei Carraresi, in Treviso, we will share...

Palestra d'Orchestra turns 5! The orchestral training residence for string instruments that has found a home in the Parco Naturale del Monte Baldo, in Trentino, between the already Austro-Hungarian character of Rovereto and the colors of Lake Garga, is now in its fifth edition and...

The IV edition of Palestra d’Orchestra has been confirmed, from 25 to 30 August, in Brentonico (TN), in the Monte Baldo Natural Park. The course is enriched this year with new professional presences, qualifying in all respects as a course of study and improvement. It will...

It is with real pleasure that I announce that the soprano Giulia Bolcato will join the tenor Alex Magri - with whom I have already had the pleasure of collaborating - in the New Year's concerts. Giulia already has an important curriculum, including awards and roles,...

Orchestra del Teatro Olimpico, Beethoven Symphony n. 2, Municipal Theater of Lonigo. It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure that I await the appointment of Thursday 1st March, Diploma Concert in Orchestra Conducting Course, at the end of the course of study with Maestro Giancarlo Andretta. Ever...

As part of the concert for the anniversary of the Great War, being a guest of his country, Malo, I proposed to commission a piece for the occasion from Maestro Mario Lanaro. The result was a happy page for mixed choir, harp, strings and reciting voice,...